Sunday, May 20, 2012

Contoh Pidato bahasa inggris (Mengenai Dampak Rokok dan pergaulan bebas )

Contoh Pidato bahasa inggris (Mengenai Dampak Rokok dan pergaulan bebas )

Wah jumpa lagi di blognya daeng ekky,blog edukasi dan culture alias budaya, nah pada kesempatan kali ini daeng akan bagikan atau sekedar share contoh pidato bahasa inggris, mungkin untuk tugas adik-adik mungkin,atau kah untuk pembelajaran dan lain-lain. Nah langsung saja liat contohnya yah.....

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Good morning all …
The honorable the judges, the honorable my teachers, the honorable my seniors and my beloved friends . We must give thanks to our god, because of god’s blessing we can stand here until today . First of all , I would like to introduce my self. My name is ……., I sit in ………..,.
My beloved teachers and friends ,
Today I will deliver a speech about smoking entitled “Smoking is a bad habit in our lives”.
My friends,
As we know smoking is one part of the daily activities of the majority of Indonesian society. most smokers know the dangers of smoking but they never tried to stop smoking. Because that, we as the younger generation must be convinced that smoking is bad habits in life. Smoking is a bad habit because of three factors, among others:
1. Contain poison substances
2. causing diseases such as cancer.
3. expensive.
The honorable my teacher and friends,
The first factor of smoking is bad habit is contain poison substance. we should not consume cigarettes because it is not good for health. I’m sure you know there are many substances in cigarette smoke is dangerous. For the example, nicotine substance.. That substance is very dangerous and can cause various diseases. not only dangerous for smoker, it is also dangerous for us if we near the smoker. so if there is a smoker near you. Say to him or her for stubbed him/ her cigarette for a moment with good polite.
My friend,
Next, I will talk about the second factor. That is, smoking cause various diseases like cancer, disorders of pregnancy, fetal disorders, and etc. One of the factor of many Indonesian people who died were smoking. The majority is a student!! Many students who died because of smoking and drugs. It was very disappointed.! one of the young generation died with the wrong way. !
smoking habit also produces behavioral effects that are bad for the smokers. And so many the negative effect of smoking.
My beloved teacher and friends ,
Last, cigarette is expensive. Did you know?? Cigaratte price is 7-10 thousand rupiah or more than it for one pack. Can you imagine a student or a smoker spent his money to buy a pack of cigarettes every day and calculated every week, every month and every year.? If one day for buy a pack of cigarette is 8 thousands , So in one week he spent 56 thousands, in amonth he spent 240thousands and in year he spent 2.880.000 . it just one pack for a day. If 2 ,3, or 4 packs a day??? How many?? So many money , for smoking. This is cause a family got economic crisis and a student can not use his pocket money for school.
Smoking is not positive activity for us, young generation. So guys. From now, let we say “ Go Studying Stop Smoking!” . And be the best student for our country and school. I think that’s all, thank you for your attention.

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Selamat pagi semua ...
Yang terhormat para hakim, para guru terhormat saya, terhormat senior saya dan teman-teman tercinta. Kita harus bersyukur kepada tuhan kami, karena berkat Tuhan, kita bisa berdiri di sini sampai hari ini. Pertama-tama, saya ingin memperkenalkan diri saya. Nama saya adalah ... ...., Aku duduk di ... ... ... ..,.
Yang terkasih dan teman-teman guru,
Hari ini saya akan menyampaikan pidato tentang merokok berjudul "Merokok adalah kebiasaan buruk dalam hidup kita".
Teman-teman saya,
Seperti kita ketahui merokok adalah salah satu bagian dari kegiatan sehari-hari dari mayoritas masyarakat Indonesia. perokok paling tahu bahaya merokok tetapi mereka tidak pernah mencoba berhenti merokok. Karena itu, kita sebagai generasi muda harus diyakinkan bahwa merokok adalah kebiasaan buruk dalam hidup. Merokok adalah kebiasaan buruk karena tiga faktor, antara lain:
1. Mengandung zat racun
2. menyebabkan penyakit seperti kanker.
3. mahal.
Guru saya dan teman-teman yang terhormat,
Faktor pertama dari merokok adalah kebiasaan buruk adalah mengandung zat racun. kita tidak harus mengkonsumsi rokok karena tidak baik untuk kesehatan. Saya yakin Anda tahu ada banyak zat dalam asap rokok adalah berbahaya. Misalnya, zat nikotin .. Zat yang sangat berbahaya dan dapat menyebabkan berbagai penyakit. tidak hanya berbahaya bagi perokok, juga berbahaya bagi kita jika kita dekat perokok. jadi jika ada perokok di dekat Anda. Katakanlah kepadanya untuk mematikan dia / rokok sejenak dengan sopan baik.
Teman saya,
Berikutnya, saya akan berbicara tentang faktor kedua. Artinya, merokok menyebabkan berbagai penyakit seperti kanker, gangguan kehamilan, gangguan janin, dan lain-lain Salah satu faktor banyak orang Indonesia yang meninggal sedang merokok. Mayoritas adalah mahasiswa! Banyak siswa yang meninggal karena merokok dan obat-obatan. Hal itu sangat kecewa.! salah satu generasi muda tewas dengan cara yang salah. !
kebiasaan merokok juga menghasilkan efek perilaku yang buruk bagi perokok. Dan begitu banyak efek negatif dari merokok.
Guru terkasih dan teman-teman,
Terakhir, rokok adalah mahal. Tahukah Anda?? Harga Cigaratte adalah 7-10 ribu rupiah atau lebih dari itu untuk satu bungkus. Dapatkah Anda bayangkan seorang mahasiswa atau seorang perokok menghabiskan uangnya untuk membeli sebungkus rokok setiap hari dan dihitung setiap minggu, setiap bulan dan setiap tahun.? Jika satu hari untuk membeli sebungkus rokok adalah 8 ribu, Jadi dalam satu minggu ia menghabiskan 56 ribuan, di amonth ia menghabiskan 240thousands dan pada tahun ia menghabiskan 2.880.000. itu hanya satu bungkus untuk satu hari. Jika 2, 3, atau 4 bungkus sehari??? Berapa banyak?? Begitu banyak uang, untuk merokok. Hal ini menyebabkan keluarga mendapat krisis ekonomi dan siswa tidak bisa menggunakan uang saku untuk sekolah.
Merokok tidak kegiatan positif bagi kita, generasi muda. Jadi cowok. Mulai sekarang, mari kita katakan "Pergi Belajar Berhenti Merokok!". Dan menjadi murid terbaik bagi negara kita dan sekolah. Saya pikir itu saja, terima kasih atas perhatian Anda.

Teks Pidato Pergaulan Bebas Bahasa Inggris

The judge of English speech contest,
The teacher, brother and sister, and all of the participants of English Speech contest, good morning.
May I tell you, first of all how pleased I’m to have an opportunity to stand here and deliver a speech in front of you. My speech title is …

Judul Pidato Pergaulan Bebas Bahasa Inggris: ''Sex Education at School''

Teenagers are the most important part of the growth of the country. They are the new generation. However there are many teenagers have been depraved. They run to drugs, commit suicide free sex, drink alcohol, smoking, etc. Those are spreading in teenagers’ life. And the most popular problem is free sex. Many teenagers think that sex before married is proper. We know that it is very bad for them. There are many bad effect of free sex. Such as, we can suffer from HIV/AIDS and then the pregnancy for the girls. It will damage their future.

Teenagers must be given sex education especially at school. The need of comprehension about human sexuality in teenagers’ life must be fulfilled. They must know about free sex life and the sex crime that often happened. They must aware about responsibility of their self. They should get much information about sexuality rightly for them. The information can be given by sex education at school. The teachers can describe sex for the students in order that the teenagers will avoid sex before married.

School is good mediator in giving sex education for the teenagers. School has good condusif situation. School and the teachers are the second circle after the family. It will be better if the teachers hold an event like seminar with a doctor as the speaker. In order that the teenagers can get sex education deeply and give them the aim of sexual activity correctly. With sex education, the teenagers will be careful in doing something about sex. Although they know about how to avoid the pregnancy, put virginity is very important for the woman. Sex before married just makes us fall into a trap. There are some aims of sex education for the teenagers. Which are they can understand that sexuality as the part of life. They also know about the consequences of un-responsible sex activity.
So, sex education is very needed for the teenagers. Starting now, sex education must be given to them. And for sure, the teenagers that fall into free sex. Drugs, alcohol, etc just a few part of many teenagers that want to study hard, and avoiding free sex.

Finally, I would like to convoy my highest appreciation. And heart felt thanks to the distinguished participants and the speakers of English speech contest today. Thank you for your kind attention, and

Wassalamuallaikum Wr.Wb

Nah itu dia contoh pidato yang sempat daeng bagikan semoga bermanfaat yah kawan-kawan.................!

Posted By : Muhammad rezki Rasyak

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